Intercultural Family 🇪🇸🇯🇵🇺🇸 in Boston 2022

現在イギリスのHR会社でフルタイムママ。2021/2022 Greater Bostonの大学(教育関連)勤務。2017年5月〜アメリカCA州→東海岸MA州ボストン近郊在住。日米スペイン生活の中で感じた文化の違いを比較しながら書いています。日本人ママ×スペイン人パパ×ボストン生まれ&育ちの娘の3人家族。

2021イースター日曜: トリニティ教会ボストン

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ ボストン情報へ

Last Monday was the beginning of Christian Holy Week which leads to Easter Sunday, April 4.

There are both sacred (religious) and secular (non-religious) traditions associated with Easter.


The story of Jesus' betrayal, his crucifixion, and his rising from the dead. Belief in Christ's resurrection is central to the Christian faith.


Many Christians attend long, mournful church services on "Good Friday"--and then celebrate joyously in church on Easter Sunday. Trinity Church, Copley Square, in downtown Boston is one of the most famous one.


This very large Episcopal Church has wonderful music, and their Easter Service is especially fancy. Even though the church building is closed to worshippers during Covid-19, Trinity's Easter service on zoom was granded.


Check it out at, follow the links on "Worship".

Sunday morning at 9:45 am started. 

You can see how it is.


Happy Easter Sunday!

